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Showing posts from November, 2009

Questioning Modernity

--> An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding of Modern Civilization {The material used here is from my close friends and as such I claim no originality for the thoughts below. I’ve merely attempted to give them a shape. My thanks to all those geniuses who had brought these issues to me} “To hold a pen is to be at war.” – Voltaire Riding high on the technological progress achieved in recent years, the power of modern sciences and arts which had taken the credit for the advancement, has become unquestionable. On the surface, the conquest of earth by humanity appears complete, and science had been the tool which was instrumental for this long-sought victory. Man is the indisputable ruler of the world and all the other animals exist strictly at his mercy. Or is he really? Man of yore was supposed to be barbarian and he has descended from apes as per Charles Darwin. Modern civilization is the haven for happiness and science its promoter. We aren’t supposed...

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