“Generally speaking, the errors in religion are dangerous; those in philosophy only ridiculous.” ~ David Hume In a rapidly modernizing world it is argued that cultural differences worldwide need to be ironed for a strife-free and rational global society. Religion – being the “opium of masses” has been a fertile ground for sowing hatred and is responsible for consequent bloodshed. Realizing that religion will not simply vanish from the face of earth overnight, the myth of all sameness of all religions has been purposefully built so that people understand that “ In essence, all religions teach the same ” or “ All religions are equally bad ”. Though an oversimplification, this is more or less true of the two important religions of the world – Christianity and Islam. Both have their own history of brutality and going overboard and committing excesses in their zeal to convert others to their faith. Yet, euphemism shouldn’t constrain us from exploring what might be political...
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