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About myself and Disclaimer

I don’t claim to be original in any of my ideas. Nor do I consider that what I’ll write would be ground-breaking in any case. And I’m influenced by too many persons to make a note of them here.
I consider myself to be a generalist, who despite not being a subject expert has the sense to make a synthesis of many apparently unconnected things and events. I seek to view any situation from a total point of view and understand the intricacies and simplicities.
I do not belong to any school of thought of any contemporary philosophies. I take what I’m convenient with and leave the rest. For I firmly believe that the Almighty has already given us a code of living and we’re unable to interpret it in the right manner to make purposeful lives.
I’m deeply indebted to all my friends for enabling me to become what I’m today. There are however few whom I consider to be the major influences in my life. Few friends were full of solace amidst problems and quite relieving resulting in my belief that one must try as much to help others. Others left me in the cold which strengthened me, resulting in my understanding that few defeats can be more fabulous than successes. Few others were indifferent thus enabling me to comprehend that world is by and large self-centered and there is nothing to feel pathetic about it.
AND THEN, there were few who took charge and sought to bring me relief not from the symptoms but from the roots of disease. Those, who belonged to the rarest of the species and whose help manifested itself not only in the unconditional assistance but also in finding the meaning in life in general.
Those few men whose strength is derived from the resoluteness of mind and adherence to principles!!
To those men of purpose, commitment and compassion I dedicate this blog.

About the subtitle !! Well, even to put up with my intensity and aloofness my readers would have to look upon their passions and beliefs as beneath them. Hence though I intend to address all, the essence would be communicated to very few. And I hence hope that you’re amongst them!!!


  1. Well I understood that completely ( for a change)- YK

  2. Righto! Equality 7-2521 (If u've read Anthem, u know what I mean) ;)


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