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From stalemate to reconciliation (in AP) - 1

"If a stone which has been projected through the air, had consciousness, it would believe that it was moving of its own free will." - Spinoza.

Many people are shocked by the recent Telangana issue without being sufficiently aware of the ground situation nor being able to examine the reason behind their emotions. If one tries to understand the reason for their emotions & why they feel the particular emotion it might help them to view the same situation with more objectivity.

Unfortunately for us, most of us are programmed into a particular way and to unlearn is often more troublesome than to learn. Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.

Most Indians feel that Subhash Chandra Bose was a adorable person (sometimes even bettering Gandhiji) while Hitler was the most horrible demon that lived. Will one not be shaken to know that Bose wanted to fight British through help from this very Hitler?

Most people believe that Socialism is the cure of all ills as against Capitalism which caters to few rich alone. Even today some people blindly claim that China is doing much better than India and that we must go China way. Wouldn't certain info such as Stalin's excesses in USSR or Tiananmen Square in China bring about questioning of their adoration? And they would not stand a chance to protest so publicly against their Government policies had they been in such nations!

And again, for those who believed in the miracle of free-market! What after this recent Recession....? Will they ever retain the same adoration of this system of crony capitalism which is supposed to be the only alternative of the collapsed Socialism?

Would one retain same respect for Gandhiji despite learning about some conspiracy theories that he was didn't actively oppose Bhagat Singh's death penalty?

It depends! After having gone through contradictory info one might still retain respect for the object/idea/person. Like I feel Subhashji's contribution & patriotism is in no way discounted by the fact that he sought Fascist assistance. Gandhiji might have been correct in long run that violence is not the answer for political problems.

But once you know & understand the real reason for why a certain stimulus evokes a certain emotion in you, we would be more reasonable. One of the blunders we usually commit is to keep certain "great people" above all criticism & think that all their ideas are gospel truths to be blindly followed & never questioned. But we sort of make them "untouchables" by others' analysis about them. I firmly think that if you don't see Gandhiji as a Mahatma, you would surely notice how so many good qualities get unnoticed by ascribing him the greatness.

If we truly understand why we feel emotional about something, then the intensity of that emotion is reduced & instead we believe the same thing intellectually. Our hatred/love would be on the basis of more maturity than blind passion which serves no good purpose in long run.

Why all this trifling accounts which bear no semblance to the title you may ask? To bring it to notice that if we really examine, scrutinize & analysis the reason/basis for our emotions then we might be more reasonable & possibly could go beyond our programmed self.

What will happen if Telangana comes? How is it possible to ask for separate state taking away Hyderabad? What has happened to India? Why are these people so insane?

People keep asking these questions without even once letting their imagination (grounded by reasoning) for what might really happen.

I would like to ask all to think within their limitations what would be next?
There are overall 4 possibilities on what might happen next!!!

1.) Issue is resolved/suppressed (like 1969) & AP continues to be united.
2.) Telangana state granted with Hyderabad going Chandigarh way. Union Territory (UT)+ Joint Capital
3.) Telangana state(TS) granted with Hyderabad as UT, while Telangana & Andhra build separate Capitals.
4.) TS granted with Hyderabad as Capital. Andhra builds another Capital.

So where do we go from here? Which option is will prove to be in the best interests of both parties?
How do we act in such a manner that despite temporary problems/adjustments all the concerned parties benefit in a longer run?

Let us analyze bit by bit as far as our capability can go to see which among the present scenario suits the vast majority of both regions!


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