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The Creed Optimistic

Time is an ultimate magician, capable of bring about changes that one would dismiss as flight of fantasy or a vain thinking or nightmarish imagination.

Reproduced below is a poem I wrote in my engineering, ironically at a time when I was optimist supreme. Life as it appears is not without paradox. I came about a full circle when I came to appreciate pessimism of Schopenhaeur and immorality of Nietzsche as more representative of truth than optimism which appeared to be mockery of sorts.

The courage of explorers of 16th century stimulated my imagination a lot and I was deeply fired by these men who travelled new roads armed with nothing but their own vision and stood against public opinion, cruel circumstances, fear of unknown and eventually connected the whole world with their resolute will.

The protagonist of the poem is one such explorer who after a prolonged struggle finally makes it.
Behind him lay the shores of green,
Behind him lay the gates of sheen,
Before him not a sign of shore,
Before him only shoreless seas
There are more sharks in the sea
The sky turns dark as he sees
A good mate says:"Now we must pray"
"Speak up Sir what shall we say"
For lo! the very stars are gone
"With regret do I now mourn"
"The target has so far elluded us",
How long shall we continue thus ?"
"So much did I plead"
"But little did you pay heed"

The brave admiral pacified the mate,
"We shall proceed to change our fate"
"Battle the discouragement within with fortitude"
"The goal we shall achieve,this I say with certitude"
"Tomorrow shall we a new dawn"
"Until then,Sail on and on and on"

At last the great ball of burning gold rose from the horizon,
Bringing cheers,faith and hope on the faces frawn
Now there are no more sharks in the sea
The sky is serene,bright and free
Behold the wonder cried the good mate
We achieved the goal though a bit late
For,as the mists cleared they saw a silver shore
With splender divine and majestic to the core
"People took us to be insane"
"But our efforts didnt go in vain"
"Those tall trees,those fruits rich,those rubbies hid and those red lillies"
"God gives us the ability to sour beyond our problems to our possibilities"


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